Monday, September 10, 2007

Judge rules against FBI data-gathering tool

Wednesday, one of the key parts to the USA Patriot Act was shut down. This act was developed, so that the FBI could investigate anyone who was suspected to be a terrorist, after 9-11. Under this act the FBI could issue a National Security Letter, to a business to get records regarding their clients online activity, if they were suspected of terrorism,spying, or what not, they did not need a warrant to issue these letters, just suspicion, which can be abused. Judge Victor Marrero found that it is unconstitutional to intrude on people like that without evidence and that there needs to be checks and balances. This means that a judge must first issue the subpoena, before they can get information. This is a good thing, because now they cannot abuse this and look at personal information, without good reason. Before, they could have got our personal information for no reason at all if they wanted and now they cannot.

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