Monday, September 24, 2007

Cough Up the Dough or Your Email Gets It

Jesse Sklar found himself in a predicament when he noticed that not only was he locked out of his hotmail account, but there was also someone holding it for ransom at one hundred dollars. While Sklar states that he no longer uses the email account on a regular basis, it contains many passwords and other crucial information dealing with his finances.

When it came to his account on or and the like, Sklar soon came to realize that the credentials for these accounts and various others could be compromised and decided to change them immediately. While he implemented the security measures that hotmail has all users place, such as a security question and a backup email -- this was useless for Sklar due to having signed up for the hotmail service decades ago, as he recalls. All he really wants is for the email to be shutdown. Upon later inspection, the kidnapper asked Sklar to send the information via "" which is some sort of phishing scam that may result in Sklar losing more than one hundred dollars had he decided to give the money.

If there's anything to take out of Sklar's story, it is not to make the same passwords for everything, as well as not storing crucial information in your emails -- especially one that is a free service.


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